Course Objectives



This course aims to enable citizens and institutions carry out a Citizen Report Card (CRC). The CRC methodology involves collecting and using citizen feedback on public services, to help make improvements in service delivery.

The 10 modules in this course focus on the conceptual, technical, management, and implementation aspects of the CRC process. Although the examples found throughout the course have an urban bias, CRCs are and have been a powerful tool for rural communities as well. Upon completion of this course you will be able to

  • assess whether the methodology is relevant to your locality/district/town
  • select a suitable lead institution
  • define the scope of your CRC
  • design a survey instrument
  • collect feedback from users of services
  • generate the survey findings and produce the main CRC report
  • widely distribute the findings and
  • advocate for improvements in service delivery.

Depending on the technical expertise in your organization, you will require varying degrees of assistance while designing the survey instrument, developing the sampling design and carrying out the field survey.

Final note: Keep in mind that most important for the success of the methodology is a strong lead institution, which has the ability to adapt and implement this dynamic tool to the local setting!

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